Books, life the universe

Sunday, 18 September 2011

New home for jillysheep

I am currently in the process of setting up jillysheep on I seem to have a lot of problems with blogger with it throwing me out from time to time and not letting me comment on other people's blogs even when signed into my account. It has been known to not let me amend my own posts and locks me in a loop of signing in and then throwing me out. So I decided to move house as it were.

I am currently finding my way round Wordpress and will let you know when I feel that it is ready for visitors - might be later today or might be later this week. I intend to post more in the future and be rather more professional about it as well so there will be more in depth book reviews and occasional long posts on my favourite series and authors. I will also post essays on such topics as Jane Austen sequels, the ebook phenomenon and other book related themes.

I had considered changing the name of the blog but rejected that idea in the end as people seem to recognise jillysheep. The address for the blog's new home is and I will let you know once I have decided whether to re-post some of the entries from here on to the new blog. It is likely that this edition of the blog will stay as it is and the Wordpress version will be the blog which will be updated in the future.


Anonymous said...

good luck in your move to wordpress! Are you still writing about feminism?

Jilly said...

Hi Delilah - I haven't been writing about feminism recently but I may well go back to it in the nera future. I think I shall probably move Lady Sophia to WordPress as well so watch out for an announcement soon.

NAM said...

Yes, good luck with the move, and will look forward to reading the new blog!

Martin Edwards said...

Good luck from me too.

Jilly said...

Thanks everyone!

I shall no longer be updating jillysheep on blogger as from today.

Thank you everyone for your support and please continue to visit jillysheep at Wordpress.