Books, life the universe

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Book meme

Thanks to kcm at Zen Mischief for this one:

One book that changed your life: Dorothy L Sayers' Gaudy Night - it introduced me to the Golden Age of British detective fiction

One book that you have read more than once: Any of the Rumpole books by John Mortimer

One book that you would want on a desert island: John Hadfield - Love on a Branch Line - to remind me that even Civil Servants have a wild side to them

One book that made you laugh: E F Benson - Mapp and Lucia - any of the Mapp and Lucia books as you can still identify similar people today.

One book that made you cry: Checkmate by Dorothy Dunnett

One book you can’t read: Stephen Hawking - A Brief History of Time.

One book you wish you'd written: Any of Donna Leon's Brunetti series - brilliant plots and superb characterisation.

One book you wish had never been written: Karl Marx The Communist Manifesto - communism - apart from religion is probably responsible for many of the world's problems.

One book you're reading: Katherine Swift - The Morville Hours - beautiful.

One book you're going to read: John Cowper Powys - A Glastonbury Romance.

I haven't tagged anyone because all the people I know with blogs don't like doing them - lame excuse I know but there it is!

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