Books, life the universe

Sunday 19 October 2008

It's Sunday

I do like Sundays. Which is something I used not to say. Why do I like them? Mainly because I don't feel obliged to do anything and can just relax and do whatever I want. The housework can wait - unless I feel like doing it. I can spend all day on the Internet if I want - not possible at the moment because my arm is still a bit painful if I use the computer for too long. I can spend large chunks of time reading - in between feeding the cat and eating myself or I can listen to music, watch tv etc. Sunday is a day for pottering.

I'm thinking about applying for early retirement when I go back to work, but I'm still in two minds about it. I think I may feel differently when I get back to work so maybe I won't. Our office is supposed to be closing in 2010 - which is not very long away. The last couple of weeks since my arm has not been so painful have been very enjoyable but I know this leisure time must come to an end so it's not like being retired.

What I am looking forward to when I get to 60 is getting a free bus pass. One of my work colleagues is over 60 and he and his wife often go out on buses when he's not working. Hearing him talking about it makes me realise that there are compensations to getting old.

Enjoy your weekends, people.

1 comment:

Anne Brooke said...

There are definitely loads of plus point about growing old! My mother loves her bus pass!

