Books, life the universe

Friday 25 January 2008

Where did the week go?

Time seems to have flown by this week and I have very little to show for it as well which makes it even more annoying. No writing done this week either - much to my shame. I am so good at making resolutions and announcements and then I don't carry them through. But this weekend I intend to do some more - and I can feel it simmering there in my subconscious. I'm nearly up to that 30,000 words mark, and I've printed it off - but I'm not going to read it until the first draft is finished.

This weekend I have to help set up the new computer - which means at least half a day gone. I shall have to crawl under the desk and plug things in - and of course dust and sweep whilst I'm down there. Thank heavens for laminate floors - at least it won't be too difficult because of that. I'm not sure why we have a new computer - I thought the old one was perfectly all right, but I leave these sort of decisions to the other half. He'll have to work out how to pay for it as well - it's interest free credit for a year so he/we have plenty of time to save up.

I was reading in the Telegraph online yesterday;jsessionid=QFKCMLKEG0PIZQFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?view=BLOGDETAIL&grid=F11&blog=yourview&xml=/news/2008/01/24/view24.xml
a story about a plan to pay fat people to lose weight. I had no problem with the item what i had a problem with was some of the comments posted which were vitriolic in the extreme. I freely admit to being overweight but I don't eat junk food and I'm not always lounging in front of the TV. I do walk and enjoy it and I do eat healthy food - I'm just too fat. This is me! Even my doctor has to admit that I hardly ever see him except for my annual review for asthma and my blood pressure medication. By the way both my blood pressure and the asthma started when I was a lot thinner than I am now, and neither have got worse and in fact both are considerably better than they were about 5 years ago! I can't help feeling excess weight unless you're too fat to lead a normal life may not be the issue many people seem to think it is. People's perceptions always seem to be that the overweight are lazy - not all of us are. I've known plenty of thin people who never move a muscle unless they have to.

I took comfort from one item I read that said at the rate we're progressing everyone will be overweight by 2050 - so what price the thin people then? If you think about it as a survival mechanism - the more weight you carry the better off you are in a famine situation - then maybe thin people will eventually disappear - just a thought. It is as always survival of the fittest - which might just be the fattest!! Yes ok I'm not too sure about the logic of that but it sounds good.

Off to laze on - or probably in - bed and read a book.

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