Books, life the universe

Saturday 9 January 2010

Powder and Patch

I am currently re-reading Georgette Heyer's Powder and Patch - the shortest of her historical novels because it was first published by Mills and Boon and had to fit into their 50,000 words format. It is perhaps the most light hearted of the novels with witty dialogue and an interesting plot. Set in the 18th century it features a hero - rather than a heroine, as the female lead, Cleone, plays a relatively minor part in the story.

Philip Jettan is a country gentleman - earnest, worthy and just a tad boring. He is persuaded by Cleone and his father, Maurice, to acquire some sophistication and a little town polish. To this end his Uncle Tom takes him to Paris where he is transformed from a country gentleman to a sophisticated man about town whose only interest appears to be in his clothes and the latest scandal. But he is still the same Philip underneath it is only outward appearances which have changed. This is the original feel good read and I'm really enjoying it.

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