Books, life the universe

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Short stories and light nights

No, not a book of short stories but a book about writing them. Last night I finished reading How to Write and Sell Short Stories by Della Galton - a very well known writer of short stories mainly for women's magazines. I would recommend it to anyone if they want to know how to do it. It's easy to read, the examples used are from published short stories - usually hers - and all the points she makes are easy to understand. It has certainly helped me to understand the format of a good short story and it's a book I definitely want to keep on my shelves for future reference.

Maybe we haven't yet got to the stage of light nights but it was light when i got to work and light when I left work so things are improving. I shall be all right again once I can go out in daylight and come home in daylight - probably some time next month.

I'm having Friday off this week so I shall have time to relax and catch up on my reading - I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms.

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